15941 Peacock Hill Road SE

Olalla, WA 98359

Tree Service Offer - Archon Tree

Archon Tree

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Founded in 1989, Archon Tree Services Inc. has over 35 years of experience in the tree care business in the Puget Sound area. During that time, we have earned a reputation as the area’s leading expert in tree care and a company known for exemplary service, quality workmanship, and long-standing client relationships. 
Owned and managed by Certified Arborist Brian Allen, Archon Tree Services Inc. has grown and evolved over the years to serve a growing number of commercial and residential clients in King, Pierce, and Kitsap Counties. Today, Archon Tree Services Inc. is a full-service tree care corporation, specializing in high-end pruning and zero-impact tree removal. 

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Archon Tree Services

Shrub Trimming vs. Shrub Pruning Services

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Most homeowners make the dire mistake of confusing shrub trimming and pruning with one another. After all, both shrub pruning and trimming services in Tacoma, Gig Harbor, and Port Orchard, WA, share the common purpose of making your home’s exterior look much more clean and presentable, helping mitigate insect control and other plant-related diseases and enabling proper plant growth. 


So, what even is the difference? And which one to go for and when? You can continue reading to learn how trimming differs from pruning and why your trees and shrubs need both.


What is the purpose of trimming?

Shrub trimming removes overgrowth or the tip of the branches to tidy up the overall appearance of a plant. The process includes cutting off dead or dying stems from shrubs to promote new growth and health. It also helps keep your shrubs, trees, and hedges looking clean and pristine. 


Shrub trimming services in Gig Harbor, Tacoma, and Port Orchard involve using power hedge trimmers to skim the tops and sides of plant shrubs so they look polished, manicured, and ‘green-fenced.’ 

The service is great for homeowners looking to improve the look and feel of their shrubs without adding or putting too much work.


How is trimming different from pruning?

Trimming and pruning of shrubs contribute to maintaining a healthy, pleasing property. You may have some plants in your yard that require regular trimming, while others need annual pruning. It completely depends on the kind of shrubs you have, your general gardening taste, and your individual requirements. To get a clearer picture, let’s delve into how trimming differs from shrub pruning. 


The first key difference between shrub pruning and trimming services in Tacoma, Port Orchard, and Gig Harbor, WA, is where and how cuts are made. Trimming is cutting back overgrown plants, while pruning occurs when removing dead, loose, or infected branches or stems from a plant. 

Because trimming and pruning are maintenance services, you can do them whenever you feel they look unruly or wild. But we recommend hiring a professional yard or lawn service to get it done because if done wrong, it can negatively impact your shrub’s health and curb your landscape’s appeal. 


What are the two methods of Shrub pruning?

Shrub pruning should always be done by qualified arborists with strong knowledge and expertise in proper pruning techniques, safety, and working knowledge of shrubs and trees since they know how to make your shrubs look aesthetically pleasing while retaining their individual shape and health. 


Let’s discuss the two shrub-pruning methods or techniques, depending on the condition of the shrub. 


  • Renewal Pruning: Renewal cuts are best for basic trimming and pruning healthy shrubs, trees, and hedges to promote plant growth and good quality shape and flowers. It occurs for over three years, and one-third of plant material is cut yearly. 


In the initial year, cutting of the oldest one-third of stems back to ground level occurs around March to early April. Then, in the following year, half of the remaining old wood(1/3 of the top shrub mass) is cut back to ground level. In the final year, all remaining old wood is removed to the ground level.


After this three-year-long process, the shrub is equipped with young and new wood, which is ready for future growth.


  • Rejuvenation Pruning: This method is a more severe form of pruning, best for eliminating unhealthy, unruly, overgrown, or unmaintained shrubs. It’s best for old plants that are too large, “leggy” and sparse. 


Drastic cutting includes trimming all stems back to approximately four inches above the ground from March to mid-April. This results in vigorous sprouting in the growing season. Then, in the following winter, strong shoots(based on preferred size and shape) are retained, and the remaining shoots are removed to ground level. 


It’s a great technique for turning an overgrown shrub into a trainable young shrub. Additionally, there’s no requirement for removal and replacement.


Contact our team to schedule our trimming and pruning services.

There may be subtle differences between trimming and pruning, but both processes are best handled by experts. Figuring out when and how to trim and prune the shrubs on your landscape can be confusing. You can actually end up harming your plants and making them susceptible to a range of diseases, defying the whole purpose of pruning and trimming. 

But don’t worry. Archon Tree complies with the ANSI 300 pruning standards for shrub pruning, trimming, and removal services. So, if you’re looking for shrub removal and pruning services in Gig Harbor, Tacoma, and Port Orchard in WA, don’t just hire any shrub trimmer! 


Our professional shrub care specialists have the expertise, experience, and knowledge to care for your trees properly. You can call us today to schedule an appointment.



Archon Tree Services Inc. offers faultless service and quality workmanship while maintaining long-lasting client relationships. We’re also insured, licensed, bonded, and utilize modern machinery and tools.  

With over 25 years of experience in the tree care business, you can trust us with shrub trimming, pruning, and removal services in Port Orchard, WA, Gig Harbor, and Tacoma. If you’re not completely satisfied with our service, we’ll redo it for free! 


Let us be your partners in safeguarding our leafy companions. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Schedule Your Tree Service Today – (253) 858-8733